I have improve your hack.
Example to +/- point only staff.History if any staff +/-.List top people get more point,....
But I have problem with this hack.
if any people creat new theard alot and messiger "waiting 60 second".If they submit with messiger the point with be add alot.How to fix this problem ?.
+ I want to add it with forum :
example : forum A open thread : 10 point,reply : 5 point .But forum B open thread : 0 point,reply :0 point
+ I want to add access forum with this point.Example :
this forum require 100 point to view it.
+ I want to add on post (a post when staff donate) this messiger " you has been donate ??? Point by staff username".
can you do that man ?.I realy like your hack ^^.