Setting up Notifications
The options are setup to give you a wide latitude of setting up all kinds of schedules with different email templates. Under the options for "Farcaster's Event Attendance" you will now have a text area for each of the RSVP statuses (Yes, No and Maybe). On each line you type in the number of days (or fraction thereof) in advance of the event the email should be sent, followed by a comma and then the email phrase to be used. To setup more than one, just add a new line. For instance, to send a notification 5 days in advance to members who RSVP'd "yes," I created a new email phrase called rsvp_yes_5 and then added the following line to the option box:
I decided that I also wanted to have a message sent 1 day in advance, so I added another email phrase called rsvp_yes_1 and added it just below the previous line, like this:
Adding a New Email Phrase
1. Under the Phrase Manager, click "Add New Phrase"
2. Change the Phrase Type to "Email Subject Text"
3. Set the varname. This will be the name you reference in the notification box described above.
4. Type the text you want to appear in the subject line in the "Text" box. You can use variables. A list of available variables will be described in the next section.
5. Save the phrase.
6. Add another phrase by clicking, "Add New Phrase" under the Phrase Manager.
7. Change the Phrase Type to "Email Body Text".
8. Set the varname to the exact same name as you used for the "Email Subject Text" above.
9. Type the text you want to appear in the "Text" box. You can use variables.
Available Variables:
$username = The user's forum name
$rsvp_day = The day the event occurs, formatted as Y-m-d, ie: 2007-01-01
$rsvp_day_formatted = The day the event occurs.
$when = Number of days to event or "Today" if the event occurs on the same day as the notice is going out, ie: 3 Days
$days_to_event = Number of days to event, without the word "Days" appended.
$rsvpd_on = The date the member RSVPd.
$guests = The number of guests the member said he'd be bringing.
$rsvp[title] = The event title.
$rsvp[event] = The event description.