This review may be a little biased, I am a Warcraft player
I like the logo alot. Having another Alliance toon would not hurt, if only for balance sake

. The only thing that does not sit right with me is the image at the bottom right, it seems a bit out of place next to the ones above it. The lettering is simple but has a good look and goes well.
The overall colors are quite dark and on my monitor it is a bit difficult to see the subtle color variations. As a whole the theme is very well done, however a lighter version would be nice as an option.
Probably the one major flaw I can spot is how narrow the forum is. You are already running at 800 width, but then you have the right sidebar taking up even more space, making the actual content area quite small. If you have members who like to post pictures, or have standard sized signature images you will have issues with the width. Looking at the content on the side bar I think you would be better off removing it, or only having it show up on the forum home.
You have a TON of forums, way more than you probably should have for a starting forum. With WoW it can be hard to narrow chat into general forums, there is just so many different combinations (Am I a holy paladin or a protection pally?). I do think you would benefit from reducing the number of forums, at least at the start.
Overall I love the look, and most of what I listed is minor...just tweaks that could help out over time.
Great job