Pls Help on Datastore cache
When I went through Datastore class in vb 3.5, I found that their are 3 ways of caching
1)using Filecache
2)Using Memcache
3)Using Eaccelerator
Currently I am using Eaccelerator only for caching php scripts and filecaching. When we install eAccelarator it caches all PHP scripts accessed., What is the use of vb_eaccelarator extended class in VB ?
In includes/config.php, Under caching configuration we have Array variables settings for
filecache , memcache but not for eaccelarator , why ?
can I use eAccelarator for both caching scripts as well as datastore of VB?
or is it better to use this way
caching scripts - >Eaccelarator
Datastore - > Filecache and Memcache
It would be helpful for me for any inputs