How can I show MySQL rows in a PHP file?
Like if I have a table called "coders" and in it I have "coderid", "codername", and "codercountry"
and the values are:
1 - John - USA
2 - Mary - England
3 - Jordi - Spain
etc etc.
I want to show ALL THE ROWS in the following format:
<a href="coder.php?show="'$coderid'">'.$codername.' ('.$codercountry.')</a>
Or whatever way you can write it.
So I want the HTML output to be:
<a href="coder.php?show=1">John (USA)</a>
<a href="coder.php?show=2">Mary (England)</a>
<a href="coder.php?show=3">Jordi (Spain)</a>
So who can this be done, I want to show ALL THE ROWS.