Well, I have always wanted to start a Fansite, but I never had the skill or Staff to do so. I am not really a designer or Coder, so I am looking for one of those, I will be the Webmaster, meaning I will take care of the forum and the Servers and whatnot, what I need is a Coder/Designer, I don't have the money to pay now but when the site is finished and get into a few weeks into production, the Site will be focused mainly around Naruto, Death Note, Bleach and One Piece, so I am Looking for Uploaders as well. I don't have a name yet, I wnat to gather a set amount of staff, then we will talk about it, If you are interested, contact me on msn at
shou.zen@hotmail.com, That is all, sorry if this is in the wrong section or shouldn't be posted. It will be based mainly around Naruto/Bleach..
Anyone think they can help?
No one interested?