I installed this and tried it on vb 3.6.4 using the altered admin_pmall.php, sent a PM to 3 users groups (total of 1300 members) and it ~appeared~ to work. However many people (including myself) did not get the PM.
So I altered the code to write out the list of names who it was PMing and also the state of the PM error variable, then ran it again. It would appear that three of the batchs were never sent out because of errors. The errors returned for me were;
PM error: The following users were not found:
1. Soonto"
2. HAS"
3. soop
This users name is actually 'Soonto"HAS"soop'.
PM error: The following users were not found:
1. SC &
2. RX
This users name is 'SC & RX'
PM error: The following users were not found:
1. Matt "
2. Aero top"
This user being 'Matt "Aero top"'
So it would appear usernames containing " or & can stop an entire batch of PMs being sent, the bigger the batch the more users who don't receive the PM.
Does anyone know a solution to this as (for me at least) if I can fix this I should be able to mass PM everyone successfully.