Originally Posted by hornstar1337
I was using the old user agreement hack from way back, and its still installed on my site, and is still working, and im on 3.6.4 was there something that should not be working with the old version that should require me to update now?
overwrite new product with old one
this new version has one feature that is Listing of Rule Pages in the /rules.php
Originally Posted by DPSR
I think i need this cool now but only one question.. what about searh engines bots?? If i create rule for a forum that one have to agree if he/she want to view hacks in that forum but what about search engines?? This hack will block them?
No no!
if you are have vBSeo or Zoints Seo Installed put your Rule Page's URl put it like this
also put your RULE PAGE URL with ending .html not .php that working
Originally Posted by Spinball
Nice hack.
Couple of things, though.
First, since there tend to be a number of rules to which the user agrees in order for access to be given to a certain forum (or whatever), in the rules template, I changed the text Number of rules: to Number of rule pages:.
Also, since my rules pages are formatted, in the rulesview template, I changed
<td class="thead" width="100%" align="center">$drule
<td class="alt2" width="100%">$drule
thanks for your warning i'll fix it in the next version of this hack
Originally Posted by Spinball
More important requests.
First, is it possible to allow (and correctly display) HTML within the rules text?
Second, is it possible to have a list of forum IDs which the rule applies to?
Third, Rules Options - what does the 'Or from File URL' allow us to do and how?
i believe in next version coming soon this requests

Originally Posted by amagazi
Uploaded and installed all files perfectly...
But there are no options in AdminCP? I logged in and out multiple times...
Disregard.. Though, you might want to mention that the options do not have their own heading...
if i not wrote about settings then do not give settings in the admincp you must that unterstand
thanks all for you guys