After installing on 3.6.4........
No options appear under "Private Message Permissions" ?
It installed fine with no errors but the options are not there?
I own the forum and am set as Adminstrator.
I tried re-installing..but still no go.
Is there anything I can check?
Last edited by mistyPotato : Today at 13:55.
Never Mind....I got it....I just didn't do it right is all.
There are 4 files that need to be integrated. For whatever reason (my fault) these files did not end up in the correct places. The files can't just be "dumped" into the general "Php" folder for the forum.
Some of the files have to go into the XML folder under the adminCD folder for example.
When I unzipped the folder to the desktop and then explored the folders and sub folders according to the original file/folder locations, that's when I saw what I needed to do.