Originally Posted by fib
I wanted to say thankyou for all your work as I thought everything was looking great
but I am afraid on testing I do have an issue or 2
Looking in the DB all seems well the 3 tables are there and are accepting messages etc
the install has been done as per your download above
I followed all and all seems great but when I list the messages I get "there were no tickets found" for open, closed and list any.
this is as a registered user who has submitted tickets and for the admin. The "your Ticket Information" is correct and updates if I change the ticket in the DB to closed. Admin can only see the number of the tickets admin has submitted not the others needing replied to.
Am I missing an obvious marker?
thank you for your time we all appreciate it.
Make sure that you make the template edits as per the author except the navbar, make sure that the permisions are set for each user group both in the support catergories that you add and the usergroups in the admincp.