Originally Posted by sv1cec
The user can see his warnings from his User Profile. There are links in there to show him his warnings. It's a minor job to add a similar link in User CP, and frankly that's a good idea.
Done BUT there is something wrong the warning information is not showing where it should ... look at the pic .I wrote this small plugin for this thing
PHP Code:
$user = & $vbulletin->userinfo;
$warn_page = "";
eval('$warn_page .= "' . fetch_template('usercp_warn_view_top') . '";');
$get_warns=$db->query_read("SELECT w.*,u.username as wusername,u.userid as wuserid,wt.* FROM
".TABLE_PREFIX."warnings w
LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."user u ON(u.userid=w.warned_by)
LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."warning_types wt ON(wt.tid=w.warned_warning_id)
WHERE w.warned_user='{$user['userid']}' ORDER BY w.warned_time DESC");
$warn['date'] = vbdate($vbulletin->options['dateformat'],$warn['warned_time']);
$warn['time'] = vbdate($vbulletin->options['timeformat'],$warn['warned_time']);
eval('$warn_page .= "' . fetch_template('usercp_warn_view_row') . '";');
eval('$warn_page .= "' . fetch_template('usercp_warn_view_end') . '";');
used hook location "usercp_start" for some reason the template "usercp_warn_view_row" is not being fetched i don't get it