I have this installed on 3.6.4 and i'm having some issues with vbmenu_register
the DHTML menus work fine throughout the site except for inside a multi page thread. menus like "thread tools", "search thread", and "rate thread" will only work on a single page thread. once it goes to multiple pages, they die.
when I look at the page nav
alienblue has this : id="pagenav.16" class="vbmenu_control"
all of the 3.64 templates that work have this : id="pagenav.42" class="vbmenu_control"
I'm just starting with VB3 so I have no idea where that id is generated & I can't figure out why it's different in the alienblue skin. I don't see any template change that would have effected it.
here's the javascript error I get
fetch_object("pagenav_form") has no properties
Line 1718
if anyone can help, I'd really appreciate it