Originally Posted by turnipofdoom
What version of VB are you using ?
Did you use the included example files or write your own forms ?
What version of php ?
Did you populate the database with base data before running it ?
vBulletin Version 3.6.4
PHP 4.4.4
The database was pre-populated using the provided script (well cut and past the create and insert lines thus the recruitment table is in the forums database).
I dropped class_recruit.php and recruitStatus.php into the modules directory. Added a php module in CMPS, file to include: recruitStatus.php, no parent, no clean file output.
If I call the module directly I still get
Fatal error: Call to a member function fetch_array() on a non-object in /<snippath>/forums/modules/class_recruit.php on line 31
Though maybe the sql was dying (and thus not returning an array). Tried it by hand
mysql> select status from recruitment where class = 'Druid';
| status |
| Closed |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select status from recruitment;
| status |
| Closed |
| Closed |
| Closed |
| Closed |
| Closed |
| Closed |
| Closed |
| Closed |
| Closed |
9 rows in set (0.01 sec)
Seems to work fine. Not sure what's going on. Perhaps I'm setting up the module wrong in CMPS?