Title - Streamers
Description - Do you wish to enable the streamers
Items Per Line - 2
Options -
Set Default: Yes
Display Order - 0
Field Required - No but display at registration
Field Editable by User - Yes
Private Field - Yes
Field Searchable on Members List - No
Show on Members List - No
Allow user to input their own value for this option - No
Which page displays this option? - Edit profile
Okay... so thats the code for my
User Profile Field: Streamers (id: 7 - radio)
But for some reason when i have this code say eg at the top of header template:
<if condition="$bbuserinfo['field7'] == 'Yes'">
This is a test
That doenst work unless they go onto the profile and click save?
Now when they go on Yes is already selected by default.. but the 'This is a test' message only shows up when they go onto there profile options and go onto update
Whats wrong?
Thanks for the help guys.. as always
well i fixed this by doing it like this
<if condition="$bbuserinfo['field7'] == 'No'"><else />This is a test</if>
which also has it for guests, all in one.. sucess