I just sent an update and the email body was removed. It arrived as:
RedTyger has updated the following hack:
[AJAX] Websites who have referred today (in the last 24 hours)
This is the update reason that the user gave:
The vBulletin.org Forum team
Un-installation information:
To un-install this hack, and not receive any further updates on it, please visit this page:
The original text I didn't write down, but it was something along the lines of:
To upgrade, you must first uninstall your existing product and then install this version. You must also redo the template edit so that the Usergroup settings will work.
v1.5 Added Archive referral recording.
v1.5 Added Usergroup display controls.
v1.5 Added option to record and use referring page title as link text instead of trimmed domain.
v1.5 Added option to highlight referrals that have arrived from a forum member's referral link.
v1.5 Added option to highlight with custom markup any domains of your choice.
v1.5 Fixed workaround for apparent PHP bug where a letter would occasionally be removed from the beginning of URLs
v1.5 Fixed issue with multiple blockwords, I swear to God it's fixed this time. Probably.
v1.5 Fixed issue with AJAX inline moderation only deleting the last URL in the list.
v1.5 Changed minor optimisations.