i used the cloud from
here and altered the SQL to return common search terms in the cloud. Not pretty or too clever, but it works!
I changed this:
PHP Code:
$wordcloud_infos = $db->query_read("
SELECT SUM(score) AS f1, t2.title AS f2
FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "postindex AS t1, " . TABLE_PREFIX . "word AS t2
WHERE t1.wordid = t2.wordid GROUP BY t1.wordid ORDER BY f1 DESC LIMIT 100
to this:
PHP Code:
$wordcloud_infos = $db->query_read("
SELECT count(query) AS f1, query AS f2
FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "rq_recent_queries AS t1
WHERE t1.sortby = 'lastpost' AND t1.searchuser = '' GROUP BY f2 ORDER BY