tried that and got:
warning: locate: could not open database: /var/lib/slocate/slocate.db: No such file or directory
warning: You need to run the 'updatedb' command (as root) to create the database.
Please edit /etc/updatedb.conf to enable the daily cron job.
[user@my ip ~]$ -uroot -p updatedb
-bash: -uroot: command not found
[user@my ip ~]$ updatedb
fatal error: updatedb: You are not authorized to create a default slocate database!
I have sent a ticket to go daddy as im sure there is something wrong here.
ok, just an update.
the reason why i have have had no success is
1) i was not logging in as root. to have root access on the v dedicated server you must log in as normal via ssh and then type su and enter same password.
2) i dont have nano installed on my server so thats why the nano command does not work.
At this point is there any other programs that i should install on my server? do i really need nano oris there another way of getting the job done.
just off to do a search for the nano program.