Hello folks, I'd like to ask your help on the subject of adding a common variable which will make the text of the ads on my board at
http://forum.sotzone.ru look according to user's style choice.
Here's the code I'm using:
SHOWTHREAD (edited in the Master Template):
<!-- / controls below postbits -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="$stylevar[imgdir_misc]/direct.js" /></script>
<script type="text/javascript">yandex_direct_print()</script> (displays under Reply button)
The contents of .js file are the following:
var yandex_ad_fontSize = 1;
var yandex_direct_showType = 1;
var yandex_direct_BorderColor = "34353B";
var yandex_direct_BgColor =
var yandex_direct_headerBgColor = "191B21";
var yandex_direct_fontColor = "E8E8E8";
var yandex_direct_titleColor = "F5B720";
var yandex_direct_siteurlColor = "F5B720";
var yandex_direct_linkColor = "F5B720";
var yandex_direct_Style = "horizontal";
var yandex_r = Math.round(Math.random() * 100000);
document.write('<sc'+'ript type="text/javascript" charset="windows-1251" src="http://bs.yandex.ru/code/0000?rnd='+yandex_r+'&direct-limit=4&direct-style='+yandex_direct_Style+'"></'+'sc'+'ript>');
function yandex_direct_print(){}
What I'd like to know is if there's a way to define the color variables like
var yandex_direct_BgColor to behave according to a certain skin's CSS choice, perhaps it should be something like that: var yandex_direct_BgColor = "$stylevar[bg as in selected style]";
I've got about 25 templates on my forum & therefore the manual editing option doesn't look as a funny way of spending time to me. Perhaps somebody knows how to setup this feature in a less complicated manner?