Installing Synergy is a quick and easy process. Should you happen to run into problems, Zoints support is available here, at (our support forum) or via ticket at
Step 1. Connect to your site via FTP and upload the contents of the "upload" folder as follows:
synergy.php to your forum root
/includes/synergy.php to /includes/
/includes/synergy.snoopy.php to /includes/
/includes/cron/synergy.cron.php to /includes/cron/
/images/zoints_synergy.png to /images/
Step 2. Browse to your vBulletin admin control panel and select "Plugins & Products" then "Manage Products". Import the product-synergy-(version).xml file
Step 3. Create a forum named "Synergy". It must be visible from your forum homepage to both members and guests. The description can be whatever you want.
Step 4. Browse to vBulletin options > Zoints Synergy options and configure the settings. If you have already registered your forum at, skip to step 6.
Step 5. Register your forum with Zoints at
Step 6. Login to with your forum account.
Step 7. Click on the forum token and authentication key links in vBulletin options > Zoints profile options and enter the corresponding values provided to you. Save.
That's it!
To upgrade, overwrite all files via FTP and import the new vBulletin product while setting the overwrite to "yes".