Hi Cindy,
Originally Posted by scart3r
I have installed the system and it looks great! But I have no sight of it in my forum. I think I have set it up right, is it because of the template I am using? Do I need to add some code to the template?
I see that if I click on one of your member's usernames that it redirects properly. You have a pretty custom style, which means you'll likely need to perform some of the template edits manually which we have listed in the readme file.
Originally Posted by scart3r
Alright, I found a round-a-bout way to get to it, by clicking on view member profile and then go to my profile. Once again, it look really good, but would be great to have easier access. Would love to have a link in the quicklinks section, and have it available at user cp.
Oops, hahah. I guess I should have scrolled further. There is a dropdown in the navbar edit available as well as the postbit. You can do those manually via the readme file. As for the usercp:
Edit template: USERCP_SHELL
<td class="$navclass[password]" nowrap="nowrap"><a class="smallfont" href="profile.php?$session[sessionurl]do=editpassword">$vbphrase[edit_email_and_password]</a></td>
Below, add:
<td class="alt2" nowrap="nowrap"><a class="smallfont" href="$vboptions[zointsprofile_zurl]?id=$bbuserinfo[userid]">Edit Zoints Profile</a></td>
You can of course change 'Edit Zoints Profile" to whatever you want.