Seems that many users have misunderstood my privacy notice, that's why I want to make clear some "what" and "why". First of all I want to say that reading the first negative posts I reported myself, asked the coordinators to decide if I'm breaking any rure or not. You seen their answer above. Now some Q & A:
Q1 - What information I'm collecting:
- The installation URL and Webmaster's email (if there is on vboptions)
Q2 - Why I'm collecting this information:
- To check the real amount of installations comparing with that one that appears here. And till now it's 100% succeed. 17 installations reported, 17 members pressed install (12 here and 5 at vbhackers)
- I choosen vbPhotoVote because it's commercial version is in use 3 months now, it's already on it's 5th upgrade (ver.1.5.0) so let's say that is bug free, which means well working. I want to truck the percentage of donations for something that is working.
- Having webmaster's email and URL, I can easily truck the percentage of sales for the commercial version from those who used the free version.
- I want to truck the percentage of copyright removals
- And finally to make a check after 6 months on the percentage of the sites that still use it
Q3 - All your modules will have this piece of code?
- No, just this one and maybe another one next year same period for comparization.
Q4- This piece of code will follow vbPhotoVote for ever?
- No. When I'll have 100 installations, which a big amount to get real results, I'll post an upgrade without this code.
Please don't let your mind dreaming for i don't know what.. I'm not spy or anything. I'm a
hobbist computer programmer since 1984 (does anybody remember dBase II?). My primary job is Travel Agent, having my own office as you can see at:
Thanks for your time (and hope for your understanding)