Originally Posted by Pehchaan
I would love to use this hack, please you include some more features just like.. - Invite Expiration Period
- Per-usergroup invite usage restriction.
- User's invites Qty (in User Group Settings), and admins can manually edit any user groups's invite count
- Ability to "delete" any invitation in "Previous Invites" box
- Ability to "Re-send" invitation in "Previous Invites" box
Thats all.. i would love to see in this Invitation System.
First, I want to say thanks to the maker of this hack. This is awesome one!
But, I would like to see these feautures added, and some more, just like:
- Limit users invitations by usergroup(so admins have unlimited invites, other groups have X invitations)
- Give X invitations to users in specified usergroup per time period.
Thanks again mate!
EDIT: Forgot to click install...
EDIT2: Installed, but disabled this product as it doesn't work. Says: "Your invite is either not valid or has already been used." - hopeing for fast fix