Originally Posted by apthost
I see no real point to this system. I need some type of point system where people can buy things that I make up, then I can view their profile and see what they have bought. So say they want a domain name after getting so many points, so I would like to be able to view their profile, see that they ordered that and then pm them and ask them about what domain name they want for example.
A whole system designed just so little icons could be displayed in the users inventory I think is just a waste of space.
Well, that's the thing - just because it isn't a fit for your needs doesn't mean it doesn't fit for someone else's.
In the forums I run, they are as Blaine says, more community-building tools than anything else. We don't want them to just be about what the site is about or how to conduct business, but also to be fun too. You're right - there isn't a "point" to the system. It's just a fun little diversion and a way to get people to post more on our forums by earning virtual cash towards items.
You'd be surprised how much "little icons displayed in the user's inventory" is a status symbol. That's how online communities build themselves.
At some point in the future, at least for the forums I linked in my last post, we're looking to move to something more complex like the RPG integration system in the future. We're testing the waters to see how these fun little tools will have a positive effect on our users.