A suggestion: better MySQL slave/master server support. There are a lot of old $vbulletin->db->query queries. Replace all those with $vbulletin->db->query_read, $vbulletin->db->query_write or $vbulletin->db->query_first
Another suggestion: query optimimalisation. Mindestic GlosPro is using too much queries than necessary:
Add the amount of terms in a category to the glossarycategory table. That's very easy to do with the product file (just a while loop with a count counter etc.) and changing the value after adding or removing a file.
This would remove the need of one query on the glossary home (showglossaries) and the list glossary page.
Use the
datastore cache feature for the category info and the custom fields. The datastore is very easy to use and you can remove some queries with caching these things.
Also, please move the product file to outside the uploads folder. I think a minority is using the possibility to give up the server location of the file to install the product. I also don't want it on my server (normal people shouldn't have access to it), it's private and after importing it isn't necessary any more.