Originally Posted by Abe1
(libertate, apparently your donation helped  )
This is BETA test.
Version 4.0 beta 1
I'm just running through this beta so some of you guys can test the 2 changes before I make it an official release. There 'should' be no issue with this version but I just want it tested first.
1) If you dont have custom bbcodes, you should not get an error anywhere.
2) Additional usergroups are checked to see if they can use a BBCode if the Primary Usergroup has the permission turned off. If ANY of the user's usergroups have the setting 'enable advanced bbcode permissions' turned OFF, then it will be TURNED OFF for the user and he gets the forum default. If ALL a users usergroups have it set to ON, then it will check through all the usergroups and get a 'yes' even if only an additional usergroup has it set to yes.
Please post feedback quickly. I would like to release this ASAP.
Just import the new file into products. No need to uninstall.
Will this fix work for 3.5.x? Ive been waiting awhile for the additional usergroup check. =D
Unless you could PM me where to make the changes at in the plugin? Thanks tho. =)