Some people have problems with german and greek characters in vbshout. I already wrote what the problem is: mod_security.
What i did was to write a .htaccess in the root with following phrases:
<IfModule mod_security.c>
SecFilterEngine Off
After this .htaccess, vbshout worked correctly with german characters like ä, ü, ö!
It worked untill some "bad guys" tried to hack my board last night because mod_security was set to "off".
Now my question is: how to get mod_security work with vbshout? Which file is making troubles with mod_security? Is it vbshout.php in the root or is it vbshout.html in the map "sb"?
Is it possible to set mod_security to "off" only for these files and not to the whole vBulletin?
thx for any hints!