A simeple How do i Question
Hello there everyone, for the life of me i cannot figure out how to add gradients in usernames or usergroups.
i know its possible because i've seen it on some vBulletin boards i've come across, i was wondering how i can do it.
you see reason i need to know is because i'm splitting up my usergroups into new usergroups and the highest rank ones i want to stand out, so i'd like a gradiented username for that usergroup.
now my guess is its something to do with CSS and the Span comand, but for the life of me i can't think of how to go about doing it.
to change the colour of a usergroup on different skins you use a CSS markup of the usernames, now i'm assuming thats how to get a gradient effect but the problem is i don't know how to go about it.
is there a mod out for this or is there a way to do this? i hope so as it'd help me out lots.
thanks in advance, and i know its possible i just don't know how.