Originally Posted by Kerry-Anne
I still wouldn't touch it with a bargepole though.
I've never understood the need for it, and IMO it is more problematic than helpful.
Also, I like to modify any codes I use (I think there is a bit of original code somewhere on my site, but there isn't much of it left) so encoded scripts are a big no-go.
Personally, even if I was given the script for free I probably would not use it. In fact, if I was paid to use it I still would be unlikely to install it.
To be honest... I used to feel 100% the same way. If somebody pulls my old posts from the various vBulletin communities they might even find a quote or two from me saying that I'll never under any circumstances used closed code that I can't at least view.
But then I gave in to the Dark Side and installed vBSEO on my largest public site. I wasn't expecting miraculous results but the results I am getting so far are encouraging and I would even say surprising. I may have... uh... been.... ummm... wrong in the past.