Originally Posted by SmashinYoungMan
Yup, I added $GLOBALS[bannerads] in place of the "sample ad" banner that comes with the style.
I think this was my screw-up. When I first installed the template, I wanted to rem-out the "Link 1 - Link 2 - Link 3 - Link 4" stuff, since I didn't have any links to throw in at that time.
See code below. I added the tag in green, but forgot the tag in red. It worked correctly in IE and I didn't give it a second thought at the time. That'll teach me to install mods at 2am.
<!-- LINKS -->
<!-- REM OUT JEM 01/13/07
<a href="/">Link1</a> - <a href="/">Link2</a> - <a href="/">Link3</a> - <a href="/">Link4</a>
<!-- /LINKS -->
That is the only difference I can think of between the default style and this one. The default style also has the $GLOBALS[bannerads] on it, but the default style works correctly.
I am betting MSIE would read the (incorrectly modded) HTML differently than FF. FF appears to be reading it as "remark tag is still open". That would certainly mess with the navbar.
Thanks for the help, I will let you know if that code change (adding the close-remark tag) doesn't fix the problem. I'm betting it will fix it.
EDITED TO ADD: Confirmed with a FF 1.5 user. The fix worked. Yay!
Thanks for the help - and for the awesome looking style.
-- James