Originally Posted by almac
Database error in vBulletin 3.6.2:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT t.threadid, t.title, t.lastpost, t.forumid, t.open, t.replycount, t.postusername, t.postuserid, t.lastposter, t.dateline, t.views, t.visible, t.firstpostid, f.title AS forumtitle, post.pagetext AS preview
FROM forum f
INNER JOIN thread t ON t.forumid = f.forumid
LEFT OUTER JOIN post AS post ON post.postid = t.firstpostid WHERE t.forumid = 82 AND visible = 1
ORDER BY dateline DESC
MySQL Error : Column 'visible' in where clause is ambiguous
Error Number : 1052
Date : Monday, January 22nd 2007 @ 01:10:59 AM
Referrer :
IP Address :
Username : Jesse
Classname : vb_database
Running on:
PHP version 4.4.3
MySQL 4.1.21-standard
And its in my root.
MySQL version 4.1.21-standard
I installed today and got the same error.
Looking at portal.php I could see a difference from Getnews 1 & Getnews 2
Get News 2 looks like this
PHP Code:
if (forumid2) {
$getnews2 = $db->query_read("
SELECT t.threadid, t.title, t.lastpost, t.forumid, t.open, t.replycount, t.postusername, t.postuserid, t.lastposter, t.dateline, t.views, t.visible, t.firstpostid, f.title AS forumtitle, post.pagetext AS preview
FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "forum f
INNER JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread t ON t.forumid = f.forumid
LEFT OUTER JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "post AS post ON post.postid = t.firstpostid WHERE t.forumid = " . $forumid2 . " AND visible = 1
the very last bit is the problem
change it to
That cured this error for me.
However I now have the left sidebox displaying full page width. Then the news items and then the right side box all full width.
Any ideas?