Originally Posted by j4ck455
The answer to the following question has probably been covered somewhere in this thread before - if so please link me to the relevant post(s):
What is the technical reason for Wordpress and vBulletin needing to share the same [MySQL] database, and is there any possibility of separating the two to use separate databases?
I have been considering this myself. The reason why I stated this caveat is that PHP 4.x by default would only allow an instance of a script to make one database connection. See the following Google search to see what I mean:
However, from what I understand, PHP 5.x has addressed this issue. I may be able to rewrite the code to take that into consideration, but honestly, it is so easy for them to share the same database, that using two connections would just be a waste of resources. If you are vaguely familiar with phpMyAdmin or other such MySQL applications (navicat, etc) you can easily merge databases.
There are many pages on the net that show how to merge databases, and here is one: