Originally Posted by SS9267547
dendrob: The 'already exists' issue is that there is a new feature added that checks for duplicate terms. So the title of the term you are editing is already in the database some where else. At this time there is no settings to turn this feature off or on. If you chnage the title it shoudl work. With the popup I haven?t tested it with images. I will take a look into this issue since I see it too on your site and did not see it on my beta site. As for the link issue, there is kinda sort like a bug where it will not link words if there is nothing end at the end of the word which I've mentioned in another post. Basically you need to have at the end is ,.!? etc or a space other wise it won't link. An on going issue.
Hi Lucas,
does that mean, that my users can only change the content of a topic, when they change the issue by adding a blank etc. to it?