Yahoo says that to submit a url list your file must be named "urllist.txt" or "urllist.txt.gz"
Just thought I'd share it with everyone.
EDIT #1: IOJAM -->
Thnx. I've done all that was listed in post #1354 (I know that number off by heart now!!! lol). I haven't got a clue if it all works as supposed, just that the files ARE being created and contain some stuff. If the BOTS don't like what's in my sitemaps, then bugger them.! I can only try, eh!?
EDIT #2: Google Sitemaps Error-->
Google Sitemaps said that my URL didn't exist, and after a while I realised that I hadn't stuck the .htaccess file in the right place... don't know about other ppl, but I had to stick the .htaccess file in the very root of my domain (the bit where no one gets a look in, unless you're admin).
EDIT #3: Google Sitemaps Error (part 2)-->
Carrying on from Edit #2, google decided that something was still wrong with the sitemap_index.xml.gz file. Google doesn't like what's written in this file, so I've pointed Google to the sitemap_1.xml.gz file instead.. no problems there.! But, the bigger problem was then with the sitemap_1.xml.gz file, that the vBAdvanced index page wasn't listed correctly in the xml file. To fix this, I had to nip into the vBAdvanced CMPS control panel in the VB ADMIN page, and in the MODULE SETTINGS under CMPS URL --> I had to write the FULL address of where the CMPS index is located. This has resolved all problems now. It's all funky and groovy, and is working like a dream.