Originally Posted by bolly.beats
I am tryin to put this in BlueLife Skin on this website http://bestindiantv.com ...only one template change is not workin
I did the secon navbar template change, but cant find or put this one. I try to find wat it says there that calender.php but it's not finding it. I don't know where to put that code to fix it into Navbar... please Help... Thank youuu
Also whenever any other group other than ADMIN try to send Gift or anything i get this Message:
"You are not allowed to purchase this item."
so Only Admin can send but other GROUPS people cant. I did set permission from Usergroup Permissions but still why is it not workin  ? where do i do permission for that? I cant find pelase Help thank youuu...
On that skin,,,your navbar is in the header template.
Look for:
<td class="lhbar">
<a href="calendar.php?">Calendar</a></td>
Now for the Gift permissions..
Go to the vbPlaza in admincp >> Manage Categories >> Misc. Options..
Put check mark beside the Usergroups you want to have permission,,then Save Settings..