Why vBPhrases?
Lately I have been curious as to the advantages of the vBulletin phrase system as compared to vBulletin Options fields.
It seems to me that they ought to be interchangable (Although common sense prods me into thinking that they are not). Is there any reason to use one instead of the other aside from abiding by a set-standard? I suppose that there must be some significant difference. If someone could explain it, I would greatly appreciate it.
I personally find the vbphrase system to be rather un-userfriendly, and would prefer to use vbulletin's Options fields or a custom language system instead especially for one-word phrases closely linked with certain options.
Perhaps someone could offer me some tips/info/advice. Thanks!
(Additionally, what is the Syntax for using vbphrases within php files? I have not really looked into it, and it might save me some time if it becomes necessary to use that system.)
Edit: Just for clarification, I realize that Phrases allow the use of special variable replacements and syntax, ect. I am more interested about performance based differences, however.