Originally Posted by ibuddy
I like the idea of this, but she cant even answer a few questions about this module.
I believe that some of it may be the fact that, based on her postings, she's not as well-versed in the English language as you or I. I would guess she is not from the USA (just a guess).
But beyond the personal aspect: I, too, have considered buying the commercial version, but there are just too_many_bugs in the free version to feel confident in paying for this mod.
I will say that, being that this is a BRAND NEW mod - and very buggy at that - her coming out and all but DEMANDING that you start sending your hard earned cash her way is, in fact, a bit pushy.
I mean, just in the last 10 minutes, I've found that:
1. When I DELETE an article, I get several php errors when it tries to unlink the attached image. No big deal, as the article does get deleted, but if she expects me to pay for this, it has to be without glaring bugs like this. (yes, all my directories are correctly chmod'd).
2. The missing paragraph thing STILL plagues many (yes, I have enabled the Enhanced Editor and even have selected it), but it doesn't always work. And ANY time I go back and EDIT a previous article, it looses all the paragraphs, too. No WAY I'm going to pay for software THIS buggy.
3. Look at the SQL for determining the "Newest Author":
// Newest Author
$newestauthor = $vbulletin->db->query_first("
FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "vbarticles_articles AS articles
LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user AS users ON (users.userid=articles.userid)
WHERE users.vbarticles_stories=1
ORDER BY articles.postdate DESC
Note the highlighted area. If I have 20 people who have added articles, and all of them have MORE than 1 article, this query will NEVER return a "Newest Author" - which means that block stays empty (no newest author). Get rid of the line and it always returns the most recent author (what I would call the "newest author").
When the bugs are worked out, I will purchase it. But when someone comes out RIGHT FROM THE START and expects everybody to start throwing money at her/him when the product does NOT work as it should, that's pushing it.
If/when she gets it bug-free, I will be purchasing it. Until then, I just can't send $$ in good faith, knowing that the product isn't working very well ...