Dear Friends,
I just released the new commercial version of vbArticles and
in a couple of days I'll release the new freeware too. Some additions that will be in the new (Free) version are:
1.- Bug fixes2.- Improvments- Admin can setup if in the site will be shown user's photo or user's avatar.
- Admin can hide/unhide the right column in full article view.
- Admin can choose my style for headers in front page or he can turn them off and use default style.
- Admin can edit the article

- User can edit his post just after the post without to wait admin's approval. That's saves time for admin to reaprove it.
- User can add, edit or delete his photo.
- In Member's menu there is a new option "Approve Articles" visible only to those who have permissions for it.
3.- Plans for the future- None. This is my first and last upgrade of the free version. I think that it has lot of features for something that is given totally free. Should be other free modules but for this one don't expect anything more than bug fixes. Clear and straight words. With 0 donations there is no any reason to push me for new improvments.
4.- About Support- I wrote it in the first line, I'm repeating it here again. NO SUPPORT will be given here, simple because I dont have time to move between all websites that I've post my module. If someone wants to ask something, here is my site.