Originally Posted by Attilitus
No. In the past there was a hack that allowed "forum moderators" access to their personal admincp where they could edit forum settings and maintain their autonomous forum. In the end vbulletin.com/.org decided to not allow the publishing of this hack on their sites.
Your hack which allows private groups which maintain forums via their own presonal admincp autonomous from one another falls within the same category as the previously disallowed hack. So, unfortunately, such a hack could not be published on vbulletin.org.
Well, ok. Here is the run down of what my hack would (=will) do:
1) Forum members can setup their own "groups".
2) A group has a title, description, maybe tags.
3) A group can contrain threads/posts and probably pictures.
4) A group can have three modi: public and open, public and invite only, private.
5) There will be a directory of all public groups.
6) Group home will be a collection of what is going on (threads, members, pictures).
It would be nice if someone from vbulletin.com/.org could step up here and confirm that this hack is against regulations and state why that is the case. ;-) I think there are far more advanced hacks on this forum, so what's the deal with this?