Originally Posted by xxxsaint
I personally do not want this to become a " stock competition " hack. If that does become the case , then notify us on when it becomes a time-set competition only thing so I can stop upgrading at that point. Nothing wrong with fun competitions , but nothing wrong with having a blast just trading stocks as this has been designed to do.
Nothing will be compulsory. I'm still working on the competition design in my head, and of course if you don't want to have competitions, you will not be required to do so.
Originally Posted by Carl Anderson
Add a table that can import the money from vbux, icash etc. In the contest set up area place the amount that can be imported into that table for the contest from vbux etc.. This will be your portfolio starting point and you can't add more than what is set in the contest set up. Have a start date for contest and end date and the one with the most bux at the end date is the winner.
You could also set it to so there is no limit for the sites that want their users to be able to use all of their bux they earn in the contest.
I'm still not sure how I want to handle the competition aspect of this add-on. I'm thinking there will be two ways the competition will initially start.
1) Users will have to pay to enter the contest. That fee will be the money that they use in the contest. Hence, if I start a contest with a 10,000 dollar/rep/vbbux/whatever fee, then each use that enters the competition will initially start out with 10,000.
2) Users will be able to join a competition for free and will be allocated X amount of dollars/rep/whatever.
I can see advantages and disadvantages to both methods. I may go with one or the other or both, I'm still undecided.
The competition portion of this plugin is still
at least another month or two away. Grad school starts next week and with a fulltime job, I'm not sure how much time I'll be able to dedicate to this, aside from bug fixes.