Originally Posted by farukcan
sistemi kurduğumuz zaman "profile.php?do=editoptions" yani se?enekleri d?zenleme kısmı hata veriyor, girmek istediğimizde yetkiniz yok diyor...
EDİT: Sadece o sayfa değil ?ye kontrol panelindeki bir?ok yer sistemi kurunca yetkiniz yok olarak hata veriyor,
arkadasim yeni product-invitation.xml dosyasini eskisinin ?st?ne import et hata d?zelir
Originally Posted by bashy
When the Product is activated We cannot edit our signatures, profiles, options, avatars and so on, we get
"Bashy, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:"
I am admin so you figure lol, as soon as the product is disabled then all is well again
so its deffo this hack....
download new product-invitation.xml import and overwrite it with old one then that is for this bug fix not the other bugs

i am working in