Manually Adding Forums
For the website I'm developing, I need to manually add forums by directly modifying the MySQL database. Can anybody tell me which tables this will involve?
I know that it involves the forum table, but after adding an entry to this table, several things happen.
1. The new forum doesn't show up anywhere
2. When I directly access it by forumid my superadmin account is informed that it doesn't have the privildge to view the forum
Thanks in advance.
- Nathan
More development on this...
I've found out that the forum table is the only table I need to change, but manually adding to the forum table in the database doesn't update the webpages for some reason. However, if I manually add a forum by inserting into the forum table and then create a forum usign the admincp, it will then pick up and display the forum i added manually.
Does anybody know what function I need to call or how I can get the database change to be "picked up"?