I recently purchased two skins from eXtremepixels; iSkin and iSkin_Black and both use <div class="info"> within the postbit_legacy to display a placemat (box) where your postbit data sits (see screenshot #1).
I have the
vS-Hide Hack Resurrection (Expanded Edition) installed which places the 'Thank You' addon within the postbit_legacy template (see screenshot #1). What it doesn't do is add the class;
div class="info", so I needed to add it manually (see code below).
<!-- Thank You Mod Start -->
<if condition="$show['hidetag_thankyou_system']"><div class="info" id="thanks_postbit.$post[postid]">$thanks_postbit</div></if>
That works fine..., but after talking to the developer over at visionscripts.com, he tells me that the postbit addon was programmed to not display in the Private Message page. The problem is, becuase the addon does not display, the
div class="info" still does -- basically leaving an empty box (see screeshot #2)
Can anyone assit me in coming up with a way to utilize the
div class="info" but, make the placemat/box not display if the addon/mod is not to be populated.
Note: I figured because the
div class="info" is housed within the IF statment, the box would theoretically dissapear...but that's not the case here.
Thanks in advance!