I see no way of having contests that are fair and equal unless this uses its own money system. You need to enter a set amount as your cash starting point. If you don't do this some people may win the contest by making vbux for posts or reputation and buy stocks with it so it shows in their portfolio - whatever?
There are a lot of things that need to be considered for this to end up really good. I bet your head is spinning from all of the suggestions. Personally I want to see the contest part as the primary objective of your hack and add from there. Get that right and then add on some of the other suggestions. Contests will make it fun and get people to use it IMO - lots of people come to sites with games and contests and it keeps them interested to see how they are doing..
I would like to ask the other posters here if they feel the same and contests be the core and build from there?
I am going to send you a small donation for your work and efforts on this... However it turns out you deserve something from me and the users on my site..