Report Post: Post number in title of created thread, not username of reporter?
I have my "Report Post" button (3.6.0) set up to create a thread in a moderator visible section when a user submits their input.
By default, the thread created looks like this:
Reported Post by <username>
What I would like to see is;
Post <#> reported by <username>
That way I could tell at a glance if multiple people were reporting the same post without having to open every thread.
Answered my own question.
I edited the text "Reported Post by $reportinfo[rusername]" to be "Post $postid reported by $reportinfo[rusername]"
Now the thread titles look like; "Post 66672 reported by Joe User"
So, when I look at that section of the forum, I can tell at a glance if a post has been reported more than once.