Originally Posted by Shazz
Well so much for this thread.
My car was stolen last night, can't really do anything with ipod to car now...
Ouch! I gotta tell ya, my first new car I was in the process of adding things (1990). I had managed to get the price tag down to $1800 for custom speakers and amps. One night, I forgot and left the head unit in, they got that, my RD, 10 cd's, my briefcase with a semesters worth of labs and homework, plus they damaged my door, locks, pulled the hood release cable so hard it broke (my hood would stick, you needed to actaully push it down to release it) and cut my battery cable to silence the car alarm. I was out the $400 head unit, but glad I never actaully spent the $1800+ for the gear I wanted. Since then it's been factory radio hell (I drive a ford) and the only cd's I keep in the car, I burn myself.
Today's car bling is crazy. All sorts of ground effects, body panels, then add neon lights, blinking lights, and loud stereos to attract attention. It was already said - You can't keep nice things out in the open. I just shake my head when I see the youngsters having fun, 'cause I know one night they are going to suffer.
I hope you still have your iPod.