Originally Posted by libertate
hmmm... That was wierd... Now it does not work.
Does every group has to have ABBCode turned on, even if the user is not member, or just the ones the user is part of?
It works.
It does require some watching. Not enabling it in one group where the member belongs, would by default give the rights to the user. So for example if it is NOT enabled on Miserable User group - they GET the rights.
I think it should "ignore" a group if the user is member, and ABBCode is not enabled.
It would be sweet if the BBCodes would be "removed" or parsed out.
Would be really cool if we can replace the bbcode with a language variable.
This had will not update any posts that have cached copies until they are re-done.
If a user is part of a usergroup that does NOT have 'use advanced permissions' on, then this is the BEST option for the user and the hack will use these settings. I would recommened turning this option to ON for all usergroups so you dont get any problems.