Originally Posted by MicroHellas
Have you CMOD 777 the directories:
I didn't got it  Can you add a screenshoot or a link?
once we get this figgured out, I need to know how to change the default text background for the posted articles from a black back ground, to a white back ground...
cant read the text unless i change the color of the font.
Check it out:
one other thing...
why does a ADMIN have to moderate the entire article again after the user makes a change to it?
Thats way too gay!
but if the admin dont moderate it again, if you click on the link for the article it wont show up
But photos /tmp / directorys were not already there.
only images and video where there by default.
I had to make directorys for /photos /tmp /photos/thumbs.
I did chmod 777 those newly created directorys.
here is the screen shot url hope it shows up enough: