Make sure this is what you want to do. This is not an overnight success business. It will take years to get where you want to be.
- Build your character. Your tone should always be positive regardless of what's going on. Your messages and actions help create a picture. How does your picture look like?
- Make sure you are affiliated with the right people ... affiliation with another may hurt your chances elsewhere. It's your job to find out what's best for you.
- Do not accept every offer that comes your way ... you will just be hurting yourself and your customers.
- Never underestimate.
Build A Positive Picture is a big melting pot .. we have all sorts of members coming and going.
A good majority of these members are business professionals - always on the lookout for quality personnel.
A handful of coders here have been offered jobs ($50,000+) just because of what they do here and how they do it. So, everything you do everything you say is important. Build a positive
picture and you will see things changing for the better.
A good majority of members have lost income because of how they portray themselves on If you create a negative
picture how do you expect to grow within the vBulletin community? eg. Instead of $550 per month selling services/products, you could be earning $2,950 per month.
Everything you do .. does make a difference.