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please look inside some tutorial/book about Mysql "How to create table & column" to fix this error.
My Pa say! "I don't want TrucLinh help fix this vb dev bug. This mod do not create/call this missing table ' looking inside the file product-thread_description.xml and learn some php & Mysql before you say some thing about it! "you have ask your nick 'Netsurfer' you have table with table prefix '
vb_364.thread' then you'll need to prefix when you create this missing table ' You can do it , you want to be a Admin of a site you much learn some php & mysql!
DavidNg "
Originally Posted by KURTZ
like i previously say: too many issues on this hack
cyber, i had the same error ... 
Look in inside the XML "product-thread_description.xml" you see any line call this ( missing table & column + error with url links ) ??? Why you say this hack ??? Why you cont. look inside this thread for ???
When you have bug go here please (ask for right person)
Why I show you this !!! I nice with you do I? How about you ???
You can read English please learn some php & Mysql, don't make trouble here!