Wow...I can't believe my eyes.
This is what I have
searched for...
asked for (back in August) ...and finally had gotten to the point that I bought the
PHP Bible and combined it with
PHP Essential Training over at in the hopes of making what you just created for my first mod.
Well, at least it wasn't in vain as that made me get off my butt and start learning PHP in earnest.
If possible...I have one small favor to ask.
This was my humble request back in August...
Registration IP and E-mail Available to Admin/Mods in User Profile?
Hi there.
I am a recent convert from UBB to vBulletin.
The change has been completely positive.
Maybe there is a way to set this up in the AdminCP, or maybe there already is a hack for this...but I haven't been able to find either.
On UBB when someone registered it would list them in "Newest Members".
It would also allow our staff to click on that profile and it had the registration IP and E-mail for the staff to view and look up if they were suspicious or felt it was necessary.
I know I can log into the AdminCP and gain that info, but I was looking for a quicker and easier way for my staff and myself to do this.
What I would like our staff (mods & admins) to be able to do is to be able to click on the newest (actually any) member profile (or it could even be done in the postbit), and be able to see the E-mail they used to register along with their IP (even if they haven't posted).
Presently our Mods run IPs through either Geobytes and/or DNSstuff to find the users location.
It would be nice to have the IP and E-mail, but even better if the location could be included, saving time by having it already looked up.
The only people that I would want to be able to see this information would be the staff (Mods & Admins).
If this hack (or something close to it) already exists, I would be grateful if you could point me too it, as I have looked and looked and haven't been able to find anything reasonably close.
I know several owners of UBB that have switched over vBulletin, and almost all of them miss being able to get that info from the user's profile right after they register. So I know that there already is an audience for this script.
Thanks in advance.
Would it be possible to have an option that would display your information in a user's profile for Admins and/or Mods only?
This would allow them (Mods & Admins) to see the information (wouldn't even have to all of it...maybe just the IP and E-mail address) quickly without having to log into the ModCP or AdminCP?
The reason being is that we use additional .htaccess & .htpasswd files in the ModCP and AdminCP that are different than their regular UserID & Password login. The two separate logins help protect those areas in case someone was able to get (or guess) a Mod or Admin password. The downside of using two separate logins is that it is a hassle to log into the CPs unless really necessary.
It would be awesome if it could be set up to where the Admin could choose or specify what info Moderators could view by simply clicking on the users profile.
What I mean is the Admin could choose whether a Moderator could see all of the info you are providing currently in the CP in a users profile, or maybe have the option for Mods not to see it (or parts) at all, and it would be just like you have it set up now.
Anyway, with or without a profile option
Fin clicks "install" and MOTM for
fci (especially since I have been looking
months for this

Hmmmm...I assume since the January's
MOTM is already in progress, that new recommendations will be put forth the first of the next month?